Last Updated On : 2025-01-28 02:20:54


Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) has been launched by Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi on the 9 th June 2016. To provide fixed day quality antenatal care services to women in their 2nd/ 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and drop outs and left outs pregnant women on the 9 th day of every month and if Sunday or holiday on next working day.

Launched in Manipur on 8 th August 2016 and has rolled out in 74 public health facilities. At present, State has 132 PMSMA identified facilities including 50 well performing Health and Wellness Centres.

15 volunteer Doctors (14 OBGY & 1 radiologist) from private sector had been registered and started providing services.

Assured, comprehensive and quality antenatal services are provided to pregnant women at these designated health facilities by Obstetricians/Medical Officers along with free drugs and diagnostics like IFA tablets, calcium tablets, USG, etc.


Extended PMSMA scheme is introduced for tracking of high risk pregnancies (HRPs) in order to multiply the gains made under the existing PMSMA program. It is conducted on 26th of every month in the state and if Sunday or holiday on next working day.

Financial provision under e-PMSMA is as follows:

1. Case-based incentives to ASHA:

Incentives of ASHAs for mobilizing pregnant women to PMSMA clinics/ facility with doctor/obstetrician

Rs. 100/- per HRP may be provided to ASHA for mobilization of HRPs for a maximum of three follow up ANC visits to PMSMA clinics/nearest facility for check up by a doctor/Obstetrician.

Rs. 500/- per HRP may be provided to ASHA on achieving a healthy outcome for both mother and baby at 45th day after delivery after due verification by concerned ANM and MO.

2. Case-based incentives to beneficiaries:

Once a pregnant woman is diagnosed as an HRP, Rs.100/-per visit may be provided to meet transportation costs for attending a maximum of three PMSMA sessions/nearest facility for follow up ANC checkups by a doctor/Obstetrician.


SL. NO. Indicator  Total 
1 Total no of pregnant women received ANC 9582
2 Total no of pregnant women attended by OBGY Specialist 4320
3 Total no of high risk pregnant women detected 860
4 Total no of PW ultrasound was conducted 4818
5 Total no of referral made 129
6 Total no of HIV test done 7398 Digital India National Health Mission Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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